Airport Engineering

Pavement Engineering
Gemini’s pavement team provides comprehensive research and consulting services in the analysis and design of airport pavements. Our engineers are highly qualified and uniquely experienced with a diverse set of skills that includes: Pavement Design, Analysis, and Evaluation; Advance Material Characterization; Non-Destructive Testing Technology, and Pavement Management System.

FAA Tech Center Support
With a combined 30 years of technical editing and writing experience in the federal government sector, Gemini’s Technical Editing and Writing Support Team provides expertise to the publication process of federal government research efforts. Our team also provides a variety of multimedia and other technical services such as digital photography and editing, website design and maintenance, and database management.

Supporting FAA NextGen
With the implementation of new procedures resulting from FAA NextGen research airports must be prepared to accommodate increased airport traffic safely. Experienced with decades of aviation subject matter knowledge, Gemini proudly supports both Airport Pavement Research and Airport Safety Technology programs of the FAA Airport Technology Research and Development (ATRD) Branch.

Airport Safety
At the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center, we conduct state-of-the-art research and development required to enhance the safety of operations at our nation’s airports and to ensure the adequacy of engineering specifications and standards in all areas of the airport systems and, where necessary, develop data to support new standards.